Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Turkey to cut Donmeh-chord with Israel

Posted on July 6, 2010 by rehmat2

Turkey is home to the largest community of Donmeh (Crypto-Jewish) in the world. These ‘secret Jews’ are the followers of Talmudic Rabbi Sabbatai Sevi, one of the fifty Jewish Messiahs, who lived in the 17th century. The Crypto-Jewish leaders became so powerful under Ottoman empire that Theodor Herzl visited Istanbul in 1899 to buy Palestine from Sultan Abdul Hamid II for Europe’s unwanted Jews to establish a homeland there. The Sultan rejected the proposal. As a result he was sent to exile in 1908 by the combined conspiracy of Donmeh and the Committee of Union and Progress (CUP), a group dominated by Crypto-Jewish leaders. Gen. Kemal Pasha, who abolished Ottoman rule in 1923, belonged to CUP.

Now, after 87 years – the Islamist dominated AKP government in Turkey – has threatened the Talmudic Israeli leaders that it would cut the old Donmeh-chord unless Zionist regime apologize for murdering nine Turk aid workers in cold-blood on May 31, 2010 at Sea or accept an international investigation into Israeli commandos storming of Turkish vessel among the Gaza Freedom Flotilla.

The successive American administrations have become so impotent under Jewish Lobby that like the aftermath of Israeli attack on USS Liberty (1967) – the current administration, the so-called “sole superpower” is also powerless to bring recalcitrant Zionazi ally to heel for its attack on Mavi Marmara (2010).

According to Israeli source, DEBKAfile – In order to bring Turkey back into Zionist-hug, Israeli cabinet minister, Binyamin Ben Eliezer met Turkish foreign minister Ahmet Davutolu in Zurich. The meeting went badly and was hotly debated at Israeli cabinet on July 4. While the western ‘Friends of Israel’ were worried about Israel’s loss of its most trusted Muslim ally – Tel Aviv was busy in blackmailing the financially bankrupt Greece – NATO member like Turkey and home to the greatest Islamophobe Christian country in the world.

Seyfuddin Kara in his column Turkey, the new emerging power in monthly magazine, Crescent International (June issue), wrote:

Turkey had been a “wing country” of NATO throughout the cold war era, its assigned role being to stop or slow a possible Soviet invasion of Europe. In the post cold war era, Turkish policymakers wanted to devise a new foreign policy concept to adapt to the changing strategic role of NATO. They first implemented a US-centred foreign policy approach to ensure strong ties with Washington.

Turkish policy makers were aware that if they needed US support, they had to develop strong bilateral relations with Israel. Hence, a rapid rapprochement between Israel and Turkey occurred in the 1990s.

Although Turkey gained some modest benefits during this period, the pro-American policies caused immense repercussions for the Turkish economy and isolated Turkey politically in the region. The dreadful sanctions imposed on Iraq cost Turkey more than $100 billion primarily for shutting down the Kerkuk-Yumurtalik oil pipeline. Political problems with neighbouring countries put severe strains on the Turkish economy, which suffered three major crises in 1994, 1998 and 2001.

The turning point for Turkey’s foreign policy came in the post 9/11 era. US invasions of Afghanistan and Iraq were a wakeup call for Turkish policymakers who felt their repercussions severely: instability in Iraq gave rise to demands by the Kurds for an independent state. Additionally, Northern Iraq-based Kurdish separatist group PKK that has been fighting against Turkey became significantly freer in conducting its operations against Turkey. Turks are worried about possible US attacks on Syria and Iran; considering the sizable Kurdish population in these two countries, it would inevitably lead to the declaration of a de facto Kurdish state.

Therefore, even before the Justice and Development Party (AKP) came to power, policy makers seriously considered changing Turkish foreign policy to survive in this volatile period. The new paradigm was devised by former academic and current Foreign Minister Ahmet Davudoglu. He outlined these ideas in his book, Stratejik Derinlik (Strategic Depth) while teaching at the War Academy of Turkey. The book presented a new approach to Turkish foreign policy and when the AKP come to power in 2002, it was put into practice.

The new paradigm envisaged a dynamic multi-dimensional Turkish foreign policy in which Turkey would no longer be an appendage but a key regional if not a global player yet. As Davutoglu explains in his article published in Foreign Policy, Turkey’s new foreign policy consists of three methodological principles:

1. A visionary approach as opposed to a crisis-oriented approach: Turkey wants to liberate itself from a defensive stance and positively get involved in issues taking place in its proximity, i.e., mediation efforts between Syria and Israel, involvement in the Palestinian issue, Iranian nuclear issue, and reconciliation between Iraq’s political groups.

2. Basing Turkey’s foreign policy on a “consistent and systematic” framework. Approaches to a certain region should not be incongruous with Turkey’s interests in other regions. There will be concurrence in implementing policies in different regions.

3. Adoption of a new discourse of diplomatic style (soft power approach) that prioritizes Turkey’s “civil-economic” power.

The entire paradigm was designed to counter regional instabilities and uncertainties that may further harm the “national unity of Turkey”, as well as turn the vacuum created by post 9/11 events into an opportunity to elevate Turkey’s position internationally.

In the new foreign policy paradigm, Palestine plays a crucial role. Turkey believes that the root cause of conflict in the Middle East is the Israeli-Palestine conflict and must be solved through dialogue and peaceful means. So Turkey wants to establish negotiations with all sides, including Hamas, winner of the 2006 elections and thus the legitimate representative of the Palestinian people. That is why Turkey invited Khalid Meshaal to Turkey in February 2006, immediately after Hamas’ electoral victory.

Israel had already been under international pressure before its attack on the flotilla; the attack on Gaza and fiasco of the Dubai assassination brought Israel’s international reputation to an all time low. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu announced that instead of having a list of goods allowed into Gaza, there will be a list of what is forbidden. If implemented, this will significantly reduce Palestinian suffering and lead to a possible end of the siege of Gaza in the near future. This will definitely increase Turkey’s influence in the region. It will be viewed as Ankara’s successful policy to isolate Israel. And, it will strengthen the hand of the Palestinian resistance in its struggle for dignity and freedom.

However, Israel is trying to break its international isolation in an attempt to prevent Turkish policymakers from taking more drastic steps. Zionist lobbies in the US have already begun frenzied attacks against and intimidation of Turkey. The Jewish Institute for National Security Affairs (JINSA), for instance, has suggested that Turkey should be removed from NATO: “The United States should seriously consider suspending military cooperation with Turkey as a prelude to removing it from the organisation,” said JINSA.

The US has watched Turkey’s new policy and confrontation with its closest ally (Israel) quietly but closely. But the recent Turkey-Brazil brokered nuclear-fuel agreement signed in Tehran, and Turkey’s vote together with Brazil against Security Council resolution imposing additional sanctions on Iran, rang alarm bells for US policymakers. There is now serious concern in Washington about Turkey’s increasing influence in the region.

US Defence Secretary Robert Gates did not hide his disappointment about Turkey’s stance on the nuclear issue: “I was disappointed by Turkey’s vote in the Iranian sanctions. That said Turkey is a decades-long ally of the United States and other members of NATO.” He added, “Turkey continues to play a critical part in the alliance.”

The US has a few cards to play against Turkey. The Kurdish issue is the weakest spot for Turkey that the US and Israel could exploit. Prime Minister Erdogan has said the sudden escalation in attacks on Turkish soldiers has “external” supervision. Cancellation of a US-Turkey anti-terrorism meeting scheduled for June 17 could be an important signal for future US moves. Also, Washington could use the “Armenian genocide” legislation recently passed by the House Foreign Affairs Committee to exert pressure on Turkey. However, 70% of supplies going to US soldiers in Iraq pass through Turkey’s Incirlik Airbase. The US must think twice before taking any hostile action against the “emerging superpower of the region.” Ankara also holds several crucial cards in its hand.

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