Thursday, July 29, 2010
Growing condemnation by the international community following the Mavi Marmara tragedy
Recently Netanyahu announced that Israel will allow a number of goods into beseiged and blockaded Gaza. This announcement was made to pacify a growing condemnation by the international community following the Mavi Marmara tragedy. The world should not be taken in by such deceptive move to salvage Israel's destroyed reputation for their heinious crime towards humanity unfolded on the decks of the Freedom Flotilla. The tragedy however has brought to light the long standing sufferings of Palestinian people especially Gazans who has been systematically denied of the most basic human rights for sustainance and freedom.
Even as this article is written. Netanyahu is meeting up with President Obama to present a list of goods and merchandise to be taken off the list of restricted items into Gaza. This include among other things avocado.. Building materials of course will remain on the list as these will be used to construct bunkers and hideouts for rocket firing terrorist, or so they claim.
The reality is, relaxing import restriction will not do anything to alleviate the sufferings of Gazans if exports are not addressed. For instance if the import of threads and yarn is permitted than it may revive the textile industry in Gaza. However if the ban on exports remain, how would you market your product? More than 85% of products from Gaza were marketed to Israel and the West Bank. Even before the siege Gaza does not have a deep harbour for international trade, which left them with little choice but to channel their goods via Israel. From Israel, the goods may find its way to the rest of the world. The local market is out of the question as the diminishing buying power of the people means that they will only spend what ever little money they have to secure the basic necessities of food and medicine, which by the way is in limited supply.Now even if export restriction is relaxed, how would you operate your bussiness when your plant has been bombed out and there's no building materials to rebuild.
When Israel withdrew from Gaza in 2005, Palestinians were allowed to exports about 450 truckloads of goods. However for security excuses that volume were reduced to just around 70 trucks loads a day. Since the siege in 2007, only 300 truckloads of exports has been recorded to date. Comparing that with 450 truckloads a day during the pre-siege days, the volume of exports in truckloads worked out to be just 4 days over a period of three years!.
The network of tunnels that has been dug during the long occupation years since 1948 has proven to be a big relief to the Gazans. Despite of constant threats of bombardment by the zionist and closure of the tunnels by Egypt, the only arab country it borders, there are too many to monitor and to regulate. It is a valuable lifeline that continues to breath in life to the strip, despite of the debilitating siege. It has actually met the necessities of the people at the bare minimum, although highly critical items like medicine is still unavailable. HAMAS which is in control of Gaza became stronger financially by the existence of these tunnels. It becomes a source of revenue from the tax exacted on the goods brought in through these tunnels, filling up government coffers to run the administration of the strip and to serve the people. That explains how the officials in Gaza managed to deliver cash handouts to all the families affected by the Israel's brutal attack in late 2008 and early 2009.
So what was the real reason behind the near complete ban on exports and relaxation on imports by Israel? The issue is not food and bare necessities becuase these can be channeled albeit in low quantities through the 'illegal' tunnels. The aim here is to debilitate the economy. A full restriction on exports will curtail industrial and manufacturing activities which in turn will destroy the economy. In this way it will dampen HAMAS popularity and undermine its government. The siege is not primarily aimed at preventing weapons or materials to fabricate weapons to reach Gaza. The siege is aimed more at targeting HAMAS and facilitate a regime change. Israel is desperate for a partner that will give in to its agenda of occupation and land appropriation. They have been successful in ousting HAMAS from the West Bank by kidnapping and incarcerating her MPs and lawmakers, giving way for the docile FATAH to take over the government in an unconstituitional means. They hope to achieve the same objective in the Strip. However the parameters are not the same. With food and other items allowed into Gaza, 'the situation in Gaza will improve" according to Israel. The remarks by British foreign secretary, William Hague summed it up "Israel's long term interest lie in creating an environment where Gaza's economy can flourish". He said 'It was a step in the right direction". Well, his remarks are off the mark by several kilometres. It won't relieve Gaza's economy, but it could be 'a step in the right direction' i.e it will boost HAMAS popularity and legitimacy in the eyes of the Palestinians in Gaza.
Dr Hafidzi Mohd Noor
PACE (Palestine Centre of Excellence)
Monday, July 26, 2010
Kejadian-kejadian misteri di Perang Gaza
Sudah lama Israel “bernafsu” menguasai wilayah ini. Sudah banyak cara yang mereka lakukan untuk menundukkan kota kecil ini. Israel membuat pelbagai sekatan supaya rakyat Gaza kesulitan memperolehi bahan makanan, ubat-ubatan, dan senjata, telah dilakukan sejak 2006 hingga kini. Namun, penduduk Gaza tetap bertahan, bahkan perlawanan Gaza atas penjajahan Zionis semakin menguat.Namun, sekali lagi, negara yang tergolong memiliki militer terkuat di dunia ini tidak mampu menguasai Gaza.
Dunia juga menyaksikan bagaimana kapal-kapal bantuan dari negara lain dihalang dari memasuki Gaza. Umat Islam yang peka risau tetapi negara-negara kuasa veto buat tak tahu malah bersengkokol dengan Israel. Pemimpin-pemimpin negara Islam juga seperti malu-malu alah dengan Amerika kecuali dua Perdana Menteri yang lantang menyelar Israel dan Amerika iaitu Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, PM Iran dan yang terkini PM Turki, Recep Tayyip Erdogan.
Recep Tayyip Erdogan menyelar hebat Israel secara depan Shimon Peres di World Economic Conference di Davos sebelum meninggalkan konferen tersebut dengan lalu di depan Peres.
Di atas kertas, kemampuan senjata AK 47, roket anti tank RPG, ranjau, serta beberapa jenis roket buatan lokal yang biasa dipakai para mujahidin Palestin, tidak akan mampu menghadapi pasukan Israel yang didukung kereta kebal Merkava yang dikenali terhebat di dunia. Apalagi menghadapi pesawat tempur canggih F-16, helikopter tempur Apache, serta ribuan tan “bom canggih” buatan Amerika Syarikat.
Akan tetapi di sana ada “kekuatan lain” yang membuat para Mujahidin mampu membuat “kaum pengganas” itu tidak dapat menguasai Gaza, walau mereka hanya dengan berbekalkan senjata-senjata “kuno”.
Itulah pertolongan Allah Subhanahu wa Ta’ala yang diberikan kepada para pejuangnya yang taat dan ikhlas. Kisah tentang munculnya “pasukan lain” yang ikut bertempur bersama para mujahidin, semerbak harum jasad para syuhada, serta beberapa peristiwa “aneh” lainnya selama pertempuran, telah beredar di kalangan masyarakat Gaza, ditulis para wartawan, bahkan disiarkan para khatib Palestin di khutbah-khutbah Jumat mereka.
Pasukan “Berseragam Putih” di Gaza
Ada “pasukan lain” membantu para mujahidin Palestin. Pasukan Israel sendiri mengakui adanya pasukan berseragam putih itu.
Suatu hari di penghujung Januari 2009, sebuah rumah milik keluarga Dardunah yang berada di antara Jabal Al Kasyif dan Jabal Ar Rais, tepatnya di jalan Al Qaram, didatangi oleh sekelompok pasukan Israel.
Seluruh anggota keluarga diperintahkan duduk di sebuah ruangan. Salah seorang anak lelaki disoal siasat mengenai ciri-ciri para pejuang al-Qassam.
Saat disoal siasat, sebagaimana ditulis laman Filisthin Al Aan (25/1/2009), mengutip cerita seorang mujahidin al-Qassam, lelaki itu menjawab dengan jujur bahwa para pejuang al-Qassam mengenakan baju hitam-hitam. Akan tetapi tentera Israel itu malah marah dan memukulnya hingga pemuda malang itu pengsan.
Selama tiga hari berturut-turut, setiap ditanya, lelaki itu menjawab bahwa para pejuang al-Qassam memakai seragam hitam. Akhirnya, tentera itu naik pitam dan mengatakan dengan keras, “Wahai pembohong! Mereka itu berseragam putih!”
Cerita lain yang disampaikan penduduk Palestin di laman milik Brigade Izzuddin al-Qassam, Multaqa al-Qasami, juga menyebutkan adanya “pasukan lain” yang tidak dikenali. Awalnya, sebuah ambulan dihentikan oleh sekelompok pasukan Israel. Pemandunya ditanya apakah dia berasal dari kelompok Hamas atau Fatah? Pemandu malang itu menjawab, “Saya bukan kelompok mana-mana. Saya cuma pemandu ambulan.”
Akan tetapi tentera Israel itu masih bertanya, “Pasukan yang berpakaian putih-putih dibelakangmu tadi, dari pasukan mana?” Si pemandu pun kebingungan, kerana ia tidak melihat seorangpun yang berada di belakangnya. “Saya tidak tahu,” jawapan satu-satunya yang ia miliki.
Suara Tak Bersumber
Ada lagi kisah karamah mujahidin yang kali ini disebutkan oleh khatib masjid Izzuddin Al Qassam di wilayah Nashirat Gaza yang telah ditayangkan oleh TV channel Al Quds, yang juga ditulis oleh Dr Aburrahman Al Jamal di laman Al Qassam dengan judul Ayaat Ar Rahman fi Jihad Al Furqan (Ayat-ayat Allah dalam Jihad Al Furqan).
Khatib bercerita, seorang pejuang telah menanam sebuah periuk api yang telah disiapkan untuk menyambut pasukan Zionis yang melalui jalan tersebut.
“Saya telah menanam sebuah ranjau. Saya kemudian melihat sebuah helikopter menurunkan sejumlah besar pasukan disertai tank-tank yang beriringan menuju jalan tempat saya menanam periuk api” kata pejuang tadi.
Akhirnya, sang pejuang memutuskan untuk kembali ke markas kerana mengira periuk api itu tidak akan bekerja seoptimanya. Maklum, jumlah musuh amat ramai.
Akan tetapi, sebelum beranjak meninggalkan lokasi, pejuang itu mendengar suara “Utsbut, tsabatkallah” yang maknanya kurang lebih, “tetaplah di tempat maka Allah menguatkanmu.” Ucapan itu ia dengar berulang-ulang sebanyak tiga kali.
“Saya mencari sekeliling untuk mengetahui siapa yang mengatakan hal itu kapada saya. Akan tetapi saya malah terkejut, karena tidak ada seorang pun yang bersama saya,” ucap mujahidin itu, sebagaimana ditirukan sang khatib.
Akhirnya sang mujahid memutuskan untuk tetap berada di lokasi. Ketika sebuah kereta kebal melewati periuk api yang tertanam, sesuatu yang “ajaib” terjadi. Periuk api itu tiba-tiba meledak amat dahsyat. Kereta kebal yang berada di dekatnya turut hancur. Ramai tentera Israel meninggal terus. Sebahagian dari mereka terpaksa diangkut oleh helikopter. “Sedangkan saya sendiri dalam keadaan selamat,” kata mujahid itu lagi, melalui lidah khatib.
Cerita yang disampaikan oleh seorang penulis Mesir, Hisyam Hilali, dalam situs alraesryoon. com, ikut mendukung kisah-kisah sebelumnya. Abu Mujahid, salah seorang pejuang yang melakukan ribath (berjaga) mengatakan, “Ketika saya mengamati gerakan tank-tank di perbatasan kota, dan tidak ada seorang pun di sekitar, akan tetapi saya mendengar suara orang yang bertasbih dan beritighfar. Saya berkali-kali mencoba untuk memastikan asal suara itu, akhirnya saya memastikan bahwa suara itu tidak keluar kecuali dari bebatuan dan pasir.”
Cerita mengenai “pasukan tidak dikenal” juga datang dari seorang penduduk rumah tersusun wilayah Tal Islam yang hendak meninggalkan rumah bersama keluarganya untuk menyelamatkan diri dari serangan Israel.
Di tangga rumah ia melihat beberapa pejuang menangis. “Kenapa kalian menangis?” tanyanya.
“Kami menangis bukan karena khuatir keadaan diri kami atau takut dari musuh. Kami menangis kerana bukan kami yang bertempur. Di sana ada kelompok lain yang bertempur memporak-porandakan musuh, dan kami tidak tahu dari mana mereka datang,” jawabnya
Saksi Tentera Israel
Cerita tentang “serdadu berseragam putih” tak hanya diungkap oleh mujahidin Palestin atau warga Gaza. Beberapa tentera pasukan Israel sendiri menyatakan hal serupa.
Laman Al-Qassam memberitakan bahwa TV Channel 10 milik Israel telah menyiarkan seorang anggota pasukan yang ikut serta dalam pertempuran Gaza dan kembali dalam keadaan buta.
“Ketika saya berada di Gaza, seorang tentara berpakaian putih mendatangi saya dan menaburkan pasir di mata saya, hingga saat itu juga saya buta,” kata anggota pasukan ini.
Di tempat lain ada tentera Israel yang mengatakan mereka pernah berhadapan dengan “hantu”. Mereka tidak diketahui dari mana asalnya, bila munculnya, dan ke mana menghilangnya.
Masih dari Channel 10, seorang tentera Israel lainnya mengatakan, “Kami berhadapan dengan pasukan berbaju putih-putih berjanggut panjang. Kami tembak dengan senjata, akan tetapi mereka tidak mati.”
Cerita ini menarik perhatian ramai penonton. Mereka bertanya kepada Channel 10, siapa sebenarnya pasukan berseragam putih itu?
Sudah meletup tetapi ranjau masih utuh
Semasa para mujahidin tersepit, haiwan-haiwan dan alam tiba-tiba ikut membantu, bahkan menjelma menjadi sesuatu yang menakutkan.
Sebuah kejadian “aneh” terjadi di Gaza Selatan, tepatnya di daerah Ai Maghraqah. Semasa itu para mujahidin sedang memasang ranjau. Di saat mengulung kabel, tiba-tiba sebuah pesawat pengintip Israel menjejak mereka. Bom pun dijatuhkan ke lokasi itu.
Nasib baik para mujahidin selamat. Namun, kabel pengubung ranjau dan pemicu yang tadi hendak disambung menjadi terputus. Tidak ada kesempatan lagi untuk menyambungnya, karena pesawat masih berputar-putar di atas.
Tak lama kemudian, beberapa kereta tank Israel mendekati lokasi di mana ranjau-ranjau tersebut ditanam. Bukan sahaja melintasi, kereta-kereta tank itu malah berhenti tepat di atas peledak yang sudah tak berfungsi itu.
Apakan daya, kaum Mujahidin tak mampu berbuat apa-apa. Kabel ranjau jelas tak mungkin disambung, sementara kereta-kereta tank Israel telah berkumpul di atas ranjau.
Mereka merasa amat sedih, bahkan ada yang menangis ketika melihat pemandangan itu. Sebahagian yang lain berdoa, “Allahumma kama lam tumakkinna minhum, allahumma la tumakkin lahum,” yang bermaksud, “Ya Allah, sebagaimana Engkau tidak memberikan kesempatan kami menghadapi mereka, jadikanlah mereka juga tidak memiliki kesempatan serupa.”
Tiba-tiba, ketika fajar tiba, terjadilah keajaiban. Terdengar ledakan dahsyat persis di lokasi penanaman ranjau yang tadinya tak berfungsi.
Setelah tentera israel pergi dengan membawa kerugian akibat ledakan lersebut, para mujahidin segera melihat lokasi ledakan. Sungguh aneh, ternyata seluruh ranjau yang telah mereka tanam itu masih utuh. Dari mana datangnva ledakan? Wallahu a’lam.
Masih dari wilayah Al Maghraqah. Semasa pasukan Israel menembak peledak ke salah satu rumah, hingga rumah itu terbakar dan api menjalar ke rumah sebelahnya, para Mujahidin rasa khuatir jika api itu semakin tak terkawal.
Seorang dari mujahidin itu lalu berdoa,”wahai dzat yang merubah api menjadi dingin dan tidak membahayakan untuk Ibrahim, padamkanlah api itu dengan kekuatan-Mu.”
Maka, tidak lebih dari tiga minit, api pun padam. Para Mujahidin menangis terharu karena mereka merasa Allah Subhanuhu Wa Ta’ala (swt) telah memberi pertolongan dengan terkabulnya doa mereka dengan segera.
Monday, July 12, 2010
Parti Pembangkang Jordan Kecam Perundingan Fayadh-Barak
Dalam penjelasannya Rabu (7/7) jawatankuasa ini menyebutkan, usaha perundingan antara sejumlah ahli politik dan pegawai keamanan Arab dengan para pemimpin Zionis memberikan keuntungan kepada Israel.Jawatankuasa tersebut meminta pemerintah Ramallah menghentikan perundinganya yang sia-sia dengan Zionis, secara langsung mahupun tidak langsung.
Pada masa sama parti-parti pembangkang tersebut turut mengecam tindakan Zionis meyahudikan tempat-tempat suci umat Islam dan mengusir penduduknya dari Al-Quds. Mereka meminta negara-negara Arab bersikap tegas dalam masalah ini.
sumber : COMES
penterjemah : osman
Israel steps up bid to block aid ship bound for Gaza
Israel has stepped up its attempts to stop an aid ship breaking its
blockade of Gaza, sending a letter to the UN and engaging Greece
and Moldova in talks.
The Moldovan-flagged ship, Amalthea, chartered by a charity run
by the son of Libyan leader Col Muammar Gaddafi, was due to
leave the Greek port of Lavrio on Saturday.
Israel said it now believed the ship would not reach Gaza.
An Israeli raid on a Gaza-bound ship in May killed nine Turkish
Israel insisted its troops were defending themselves but the raid
sparked international condemnation. Israel recently eased its
blockade, allowing in almost all consumer goods but maintaining
a "blacklist" of some items.
Israel says its blockade of the Palestinian territory is needed to
prevent the supply of weapons to the Hamas militant group
which controls Gaza.
The foreign ministry believes that due to these talks, the ship
will not reach Gaza
Israel has been engaged in intense diplomatic activity to
prevent the Amalthea, renamed Hope for the mission, reaching
A foreign ministry statement said that Foreign Minister Avigdor
Lieberman had spoken with his Greek and Moldovan
counterparts on the issue.
The statement said: "The foreign ministry believes that due to
these talks, the ship will not reach Gaza."
Ministry officials quoted by the Israeli news source Haaretz said
that if the ship did sail it would travel instead to the Egyptian
port of el-Arish.
Israel also lobbied the UN to take action.
Israel's UN ambassador Gabriela Shalev said in a letter: "Israel
calls upon the international community to exert its influence on
the government of Libya to demonstrate responsibility and
prevent the ship from departing to the Gaza Strip."
Ms Shalev also warned: "Israel reserves the right under
international law to prevent this ship from violating the existing
naval blockade on the Gaza Strip."
She said the motives of the operators were "questionable and
'Expressing solidarity'
The Amalthea is being loaded with about 2,000 tonnes of food,
cooking oil, medicines and pre-fabricated houses.
It has been chartered by the Gaddafi International Charity and
Development Foundation. Its chairman is Saif al-Islam Gaddafi.
The organisation said the 92m (302ft) vessel would also carry
"a number of supporters who are keen on expressing solidarity
with the Palestinian people."
The BBC's Malcolm Brabant in Lavrio says the Libyans clearly
believe the time is right to test Israel's resolve to maintain the
naval blockade.
Charity director Yousef Sawani said: "We are doing what we
can, this is our responsibility. If everyone says 'we will not allow
this', nothing will happen and the people of Gaza will continue
under starvation."
Friday, July 9, 2010
Angka Bunuh Diri Tentera Israel Meningkat
Jumaat, 09/07/2010 – Statistik bunuh diri baru-baru ini menyaksikan peningkatan mendadak di antara tentera Israel dalam beberapa tahun ini.
Majalah terkenal Israel, Yediot Ahronot, mendedahkan bahawa jumlah tentera Israel yang membunuh diri telah meningkat ke tahap yang tidak disangka, sementara pasukan tentera Israel sedang berusaha melaksanakan strategi baru untuk menghadapi masalah.
Majalah itu menambah bahawa 19 orang membunuh diri pada separuh pertama tahun ini dan 21 orang pada tahun lepas dan 30 orang membunuh diri pada dekad lepas. Jumlah tersebut mencapai 35 pada tahun 2005. Tahun-tahun 2006 dan 2007 menyaksikan penurunan statistik bunuh diri apabila jumlah yang membunuh diri tidak melebihi 24 yang membuatkan Israel lebih bimbang.
Angka-angka telah memberi kesan yang besar di antara tentera yang telah menyiapkan rangkaian program untuk membolehkan para tentera untuk menghadapi situasi yang tidak stabil dan gangguan psikologi daripada askar banyak yang menderita.
Yediot Ahronot menggambarkan pihak tentera telah mengambil keputusan untuk mengurangkan jumlah ahlinya dan pegawainya yang dibenarkan untuk membawa senjata mereka ke rumah. Sementara itu, sumber tentera berkata bahawa penyiasatan intensif telah dilakukan menunjukkan bahawa insiden membunuh diri tidak ada hubungannya dengan perkhidmatan tentera mereka dan bahawa angka ini mungkin tidak berhenti pada tahap ini.
“Kes ini telah menjadi sangat sensitif, dan akan dipantau dengan terperinci,” Sebuah sumber rasmi di ketenteraan memberitahu. “Kami mengadakan banyak perbincangan tentang masalah ini, dan setiap kes diselidiki dengan dalam dan terang keadaan sekitarnya dan kami akan terus bekerja pada ini ..” sumber itu menambah.
sumber : The Palestine Telegraph
penterjemah : ameen
Tuesday, July 6, 2010
Turkey to cut Donmeh-chord with Israel
Turkey is home to the largest community of Donmeh (Crypto-Jewish) in the world. These ‘secret Jews’ are the followers of Talmudic Rabbi Sabbatai Sevi, one of the fifty Jewish Messiahs, who lived in the 17th century. The Crypto-Jewish leaders became so powerful under Ottoman empire that Theodor Herzl visited Istanbul in 1899 to buy Palestine from Sultan Abdul Hamid II for Europe’s unwanted Jews to establish a homeland there. The Sultan rejected the proposal. As a result he was sent to exile in 1908 by the combined conspiracy of Donmeh and the Committee of Union and Progress (CUP), a group dominated by Crypto-Jewish leaders. Gen. Kemal Pasha, who abolished Ottoman rule in 1923, belonged to CUP.
Now, after 87 years – the Islamist dominated AKP government in Turkey – has threatened the Talmudic Israeli leaders that it would cut the old Donmeh-chord unless Zionist regime apologize for murdering nine Turk aid workers in cold-blood on May 31, 2010 at Sea or accept an international investigation into Israeli commandos storming of Turkish vessel among the Gaza Freedom Flotilla.
The successive American administrations have become so impotent under Jewish Lobby that like the aftermath of Israeli attack on USS Liberty (1967) – the current administration, the so-called “sole superpower” is also powerless to bring recalcitrant Zionazi ally to heel for its attack on Mavi Marmara (2010).
According to Israeli source, DEBKAfile – In order to bring Turkey back into Zionist-hug, Israeli cabinet minister, Binyamin Ben Eliezer met Turkish foreign minister Ahmet Davutolu in Zurich. The meeting went badly and was hotly debated at Israeli cabinet on July 4. While the western ‘Friends of Israel’ were worried about Israel’s loss of its most trusted Muslim ally – Tel Aviv was busy in blackmailing the financially bankrupt Greece – NATO member like Turkey and home to the greatest Islamophobe Christian country in the world.
Seyfuddin Kara in his column Turkey, the new emerging power in monthly magazine, Crescent International (June issue), wrote:
Turkey had been a “wing country” of NATO throughout the cold war era, its assigned role being to stop or slow a possible Soviet invasion of Europe. In the post cold war era, Turkish policymakers wanted to devise a new foreign policy concept to adapt to the changing strategic role of NATO. They first implemented a US-centred foreign policy approach to ensure strong ties with Washington.
Turkish policy makers were aware that if they needed US support, they had to develop strong bilateral relations with Israel. Hence, a rapid rapprochement between Israel and Turkey occurred in the 1990s.
Although Turkey gained some modest benefits during this period, the pro-American policies caused immense repercussions for the Turkish economy and isolated Turkey politically in the region. The dreadful sanctions imposed on Iraq cost Turkey more than $100 billion primarily for shutting down the Kerkuk-Yumurtalik oil pipeline. Political problems with neighbouring countries put severe strains on the Turkish economy, which suffered three major crises in 1994, 1998 and 2001.
The turning point for Turkey’s foreign policy came in the post 9/11 era. US invasions of Afghanistan and Iraq were a wakeup call for Turkish policymakers who felt their repercussions severely: instability in Iraq gave rise to demands by the Kurds for an independent state. Additionally, Northern Iraq-based Kurdish separatist group PKK that has been fighting against Turkey became significantly freer in conducting its operations against Turkey. Turks are worried about possible US attacks on Syria and Iran; considering the sizable Kurdish population in these two countries, it would inevitably lead to the declaration of a de facto Kurdish state.
Therefore, even before the Justice and Development Party (AKP) came to power, policy makers seriously considered changing Turkish foreign policy to survive in this volatile period. The new paradigm was devised by former academic and current Foreign Minister Ahmet Davudoglu. He outlined these ideas in his book, Stratejik Derinlik (Strategic Depth) while teaching at the War Academy of Turkey. The book presented a new approach to Turkish foreign policy and when the AKP come to power in 2002, it was put into practice.
The new paradigm envisaged a dynamic multi-dimensional Turkish foreign policy in which Turkey would no longer be an appendage but a key regional if not a global player yet. As Davutoglu explains in his article published in Foreign Policy, Turkey’s new foreign policy consists of three methodological principles:
1. A visionary approach as opposed to a crisis-oriented approach: Turkey wants to liberate itself from a defensive stance and positively get involved in issues taking place in its proximity, i.e., mediation efforts between Syria and Israel, involvement in the Palestinian issue, Iranian nuclear issue, and reconciliation between Iraq’s political groups.
2. Basing Turkey’s foreign policy on a “consistent and systematic” framework. Approaches to a certain region should not be incongruous with Turkey’s interests in other regions. There will be concurrence in implementing policies in different regions.
3. Adoption of a new discourse of diplomatic style (soft power approach) that prioritizes Turkey’s “civil-economic” power.
The entire paradigm was designed to counter regional instabilities and uncertainties that may further harm the “national unity of Turkey”, as well as turn the vacuum created by post 9/11 events into an opportunity to elevate Turkey’s position internationally.
In the new foreign policy paradigm, Palestine plays a crucial role. Turkey believes that the root cause of conflict in the Middle East is the Israeli-Palestine conflict and must be solved through dialogue and peaceful means. So Turkey wants to establish negotiations with all sides, including Hamas, winner of the 2006 elections and thus the legitimate representative of the Palestinian people. That is why Turkey invited Khalid Meshaal to Turkey in February 2006, immediately after Hamas’ electoral victory.
Israel had already been under international pressure before its attack on the flotilla; the attack on Gaza and fiasco of the Dubai assassination brought Israel’s international reputation to an all time low. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu announced that instead of having a list of goods allowed into Gaza, there will be a list of what is forbidden. If implemented, this will significantly reduce Palestinian suffering and lead to a possible end of the siege of Gaza in the near future. This will definitely increase Turkey’s influence in the region. It will be viewed as Ankara’s successful policy to isolate Israel. And, it will strengthen the hand of the Palestinian resistance in its struggle for dignity and freedom.
However, Israel is trying to break its international isolation in an attempt to prevent Turkish policymakers from taking more drastic steps. Zionist lobbies in the US have already begun frenzied attacks against and intimidation of Turkey. The Jewish Institute for National Security Affairs (JINSA), for instance, has suggested that Turkey should be removed from NATO: “The United States should seriously consider suspending military cooperation with Turkey as a prelude to removing it from the organisation,” said JINSA.
The US has watched Turkey’s new policy and confrontation with its closest ally (Israel) quietly but closely. But the recent Turkey-Brazil brokered nuclear-fuel agreement signed in Tehran, and Turkey’s vote together with Brazil against Security Council resolution imposing additional sanctions on Iran, rang alarm bells for US policymakers. There is now serious concern in Washington about Turkey’s increasing influence in the region.
US Defence Secretary Robert Gates did not hide his disappointment about Turkey’s stance on the nuclear issue: “I was disappointed by Turkey’s vote in the Iranian sanctions. That said Turkey is a decades-long ally of the United States and other members of NATO.” He added, “Turkey continues to play a critical part in the alliance.”
The US has a few cards to play against Turkey. The Kurdish issue is the weakest spot for Turkey that the US and Israel could exploit. Prime Minister Erdogan has said the sudden escalation in attacks on Turkish soldiers has “external” supervision. Cancellation of a US-Turkey anti-terrorism meeting scheduled for June 17 could be an important signal for future US moves. Also, Washington could use the “Armenian genocide” legislation recently passed by the House Foreign Affairs Committee to exert pressure on Turkey. However, 70% of supplies going to US soldiers in Iraq pass through Turkey’s Incirlik Airbase. The US must think twice before taking any hostile action against the “emerging superpower of the region.” Ankara also holds several crucial cards in its hand.
Palestinian Centre for Human Rights 2009 Annual Report
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Monday, July 5, 2010
Dalam program tersebut hampir 100 orang pelajar tingkatan 5 telah diberi peluang untuk mendengar dan berkongsi maklumat. Aktiviti ini adalah sebahagian daripada aktiviti yang menjadi agenda sekolah dalam memberi kesedaran dan meningkatkan motivasi pelajar di sekolah tersebut. Saya bagi pihak Aqsa Syarif mengucapkan ribuan terima kasih di atas kesudian sekolah untuk menjemput kami bagi mengongsikan keperitan dan kezaliman zionis di bumi Palestin.
Harap kami semoga kesedaran ini akan meningkatkan keazaman bangsa Malaysia untuk terus menolak kezaliman dan menyokong kepada pembebasan Palestin.